You know? I am starting to believe that if I would have forgotten most story of the first season, I think this second season would have been more consistent x2. I expected them to try and understand how Yui is feeling, yet I was thoroughly disappointed. All the Eve&Adam bulshit to a side and also ignoring that Yui was supposed to be a vampire by this time (huge plothole but I guess the original otome game didn’t give shit about it and continued from a state when Yui never actually had the whole issue with the Sakamaki-mom), I thought that the Mukami brothers would have brought a ray of light into my life, as ex-humans and everybody having went through very nasty things. It’s like when stuff start getting fairly nice and then somebody in the staff went like NOPE, WE HAD A LACK OF BITING THIS EPISODE! …ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)Why can’t you people just accept exposition and development for what they are rather than shove “I’m a bad bad vampire” down my throat? And MOSTLY when it comes to the Mukami brothers! The whole “biting is hot” thing going on in this show has become a running gag from the first season and yet this one still insists on it. It’s still bad, consistency committed suicide like any other sense of ethics and morales I could expect, but goddamn it, it’s painful to say that I actually did come to like the Mukami brothers…or some parts of them at least.Story This second season makes me actually re-think the rating that I gave to the first season because they used to be both 3 on MAL for me, but I genuinely think that this one actually TRIED to make sense in some parts, so the first season went to a 2 instead. I have a confession to make: this season has become a freakin guilty pleasure for me. THIS REVIEW MIGHT CONTAIN MINOR SPOILERS) Anyway! With no further ado, let me get into this. Ok, so, only me finds that comma in-between “more” and “blood” to be awfully distracting? Like what does it mean? “More” Diabolik Lovers, version “Blood”? (WARNING. It is just my opinion so don't take it seriously. So guys like i said i actually regretted my decision and so that is it. ?The only words i heard the most from the female lead was " ano., ~ san( someone's name (typical i know)) and the weird sound she makes when her blood is being sucked. Could you pretty please let the female character speak more than some stupid words those vampires when they suck blood like "Oh, your blood is sweet. Things got worse when someone thought oh we need more bite scenes and they are literally in every minute of each episode!!!! ( sorry a bit exagerrated but i feel like it is). OMG ! You can't even imagine how furious i was and i honeslty kinda regret watching this. But then, around episode 10, they just cut off the story and left it hanging there. On boy ! How wrong i was! Instead they introduced new characters and made another story plot about them but that is still okay for me at that point. Anyway, i thought the story would get better and deeper about the characters of season 1. Ok so i have watched season 1 and the story seems interesting although there are loopholes here and there.