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  • Include punctuation and upper and lower cases. Even negative opinions can be framed positively and diplomatically. Only post material that’s relevant to the topic being discussed. However, in order to maintain the high level of discourse we’ve all come to value and expect, please keep the following criteria in mind: We encourage you to use comments to engage with users, share your perspective and ask questions of authors and each other. Further, as the number of miners using these networks has expanded, earnings have dropped below their pre-Merge levels.ĮTH Miners Left Disappointed After Successful Transition to POS These three networks only provide around 28% of Ethereum’s pre-Merge hashrate of 867 (TH/s). Although these networks have mining potential, it is only capable of supporting a small percentage of what Ethereum did before The Merge. This is an indication of the rate of mining on the blockchain network.Īfter the Ethereum Merge was finalized on September 17, the hashrates for Ethereum Classic, Ravencoin, and Ergo all increased by 124%, 98%, and 146%, respectively. When talking about cryptocurrency mining and transaction processing, hash rate refers to the overall computing power being utilized by the network. The day The Merge was completed witnessed a massive increase in hashrate for these coins. According to Forbes, the mining potential and expected gains make these projects a reasonable improvement over other possibilities. To a considerable extent, the miners rely onĬlassic, Ergo, and Ravencoin’s blockchains. Several mining pools saw a decline in activity after Ethereum’s switch to the new consensus process. The White House has said that high-energy consensus procedures, such as the proof of work approach, are off-limits.

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    The research recommended restricting or outright prohibiting cryptocurrency mining due to its high energy use. However, a White House study on energy use suggested that the United States government should limit energy-intensive mining. There has been a fair amount of discussion about proof-of-work blockchain networks prior to the Merge. Since Ethereum’s infancy, Ethereum’s developers have encouraged miners to switch to other proof-of-work platforms like Having seen Ethereum’s successful switch to the proof-of-stake consensus, miners were forced to explore other opportunities. Several mining pools saw a decline in activity after Ethereum’s switch.The United States government should limit energy-intensive mining as per a study.

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